Monday, April 24, 2006

Plug for new publication

Be a part of something HUGE! Soon-to-be journalism graduate, Jessica Noll is in the process of starting her own publishing company with an online magazine. She is in search of contributing writers and photographers, as well as copy editors and marketing/advertising students or graduates to assist her in this venture as interns.

The magazine will showcase breakout talents nationwide as well as offer tips on how to become known in the industry. There will be a little something for everyone--if you're in the arts, love the arts or just support unknown talents. Everything is art and art is everywhere.

Also if you are an artist, photographer, writer, poet, theater or film anything, dancer, fashion designer, musician, political savvy or travel savvy--she wants you!
For more information, to contribute your talent or to have your talent showcased as a feature article feel free to contact Jessica at:


Blogger Sharon said...

fabulous! This is going to be an exciting venture.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:45:00 PM  

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